Thank you for your interest in the CTA’s RPM Phase One Project. The Walsh-Fluor Design-Build Team encourages you to register your company with us for the RPM Phase One Project so we can learn more about your organization and keep you apprised of upcoming events and contract opportunities.
To register your firm for upcoming bidding opportunities, download our Pre-Qualification Form below, and return your completed form to us at RPMdiversity@WFDBT.com.
Download the Walsh-Fluor Design-Build Team’s DBE Pre-Qualification Form here
DBE Commitment
The Walsh-Fluor Design-Build Team is committed to actively engaging, developing, and partnering with the DBE subcontracting and supplier community. Our team understands that a critical element to creating a successful project is the involvement of DBE firms from the onset. We look forward to working with DBE firms and community stakeholders to revitalize Chicago’s critical transit infrastructure. As of the 3rd quarter of 2021, 15 DBE design companies and 66 DBE companies specializing in construction or professional services have been utilized.

Awarded to Date
Upcoming Opportunities

About Us
Contractor & Supplier Opportunities
To receive access to the contract documents for a specific scope and to submit a bid for the project, please fill out and return the Pre-Qualification form above and e-mail it to RPMDiversity@wfdbt.com.
Please indicate all scopes of work you are interested in performing, the labor unions to which you are signatory, and specify any small and/or minority business classifications your firm possesses (e.g. DBE, MBE, and WBE).
To assist certified DBE Subconsultants, Subcontractors and Suppliers, our team is committed to developing multiple bid packages for each work scope relative to geography and schedule to maximize the participation of disadvantaged businesses where practical. We also encourage all small businesses (e.g. M/W/SBE) who are willing to apply for DBE certification, or seek reciprocity within Illinois, to also consider this project.
All subcontractors and material suppliers are required to execute our standard “Subcontract Agreement” and/or “Purchase Order”, and provision of a Performance & Payment bond for any subcontract with a value greater than $250,000.00 is a project requirement. If there are any questions or concerns with our standard subcontract, bonding requirements, insurance, or any other matter regarding this project please feel free to contact us. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer.